In Meta Spa product quality controls are continuously carried out with meticulous attention; in addition, support to the production line and correctness of the production parameters are granted by a, 24 hours a day, dedicated laboratory.
In Meta Spa product quality controls are continuously carried out with meticulous attention; in addition, support to the production line and correctness of the production parameters are granted by a, 24 hours a day, dedicated laboratory.
The laboratory researches allow us to innovate and be ready to take every challenge as an opportunity to increase our knowledge and turn it into improvements for our spray-dried bodies in respect of the highest quality standards.
Thorough experience gained over the years, supported by specific technical equipment, allows us to answer Clients’ requests and provide collaborative and competent assistance.
The objective was to design and test innovative materials obtained by processing natural raw materials, i.e. bentonitic sands, in order to improve their intrinsic properties for high added-value applications in agriculture, animal husbandry, construction and the environment.
The GlassPlus project was set up to find and develop an innovative solution for recycling CRT (Cathodic Ray Tube) glass, mainly by reusing it to produce various Porcelain Stoneware bodies.